vineri, 2 octombrie 2009

In sfarsit...

In intampla o minune...macar unul dintre actori a auzit de Romania si chiar ne saluta :X

Priviti ce a scris actorul pe twitter:
just to prove that i do read the responses "hello to all the portugese fans!!!!"
because i cant spend all day on twitter....hello to all the brit fans...see how this can go on forever
kisses to brazil!!!!
and russia
and romania
hahahahaha...and to the italians new zealanders canadians australian african mexican korean chinese japanese philipino, germans, french
and last but not least the americans and anyone else i may have left out.....hahaha gotta go
hahaha poland i really gotta go

sorryyyyyy Filipino, sweden, belgium, spain., now i really really gotta go
venezuela hungary spain
scotland ireland
last one bosnia

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