joi, 1 octombrie 2009

Poeme New moon


She was my night, My Sun
My life and my soul
She had my heart and always
Would, to be without her left
Me feeling hallow and empty

There was no reason for me
To continue living, she was
Better off, but I could not
Help but want to be hers
I know I caused her pain and it sickens me

Why do I have to be a monster
And put her in danger, the
Agony was excruciating I
Could not bear to live without her
But she is meant to have a long and happy life

I will not destroy it for my own
Selfishness, how could anyone
Want to be this, why did it have
To be her, and now she will never
Know how much I love her

si a doua

Him or the Sun

I was in the dark alone
The pain was unbearable
I had no will to live
A lifeless zombie in the shadows

But I found the Sun
He was bright and beautiful
He brought me out of the shadows
Though the hole in my heart never left

He was my best friend and
I loved him, and he loved
Me back, I didn’t deserve his
Love, for my heart wanted another

But it hurt to think about him
Even hear his name, each hit
Deepened the hole in my heart
He realized how it hurt me to hear his name

He wanted to take the pain away
He wanted me to move on
He wanted me to be his
He wanted to be mine

I wanted to be with him too
But I just couldn’t, if I
Did I might forget who I once
Loved, and I couldn’t take that chance

Nu le-am tradus de teama de a nu le strica...ele suna foarte bine asa cum sunt, in engleza...

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