joi, 29 octombrie 2009

Poezii cu Rob si Kris

Rob walking with a cigarette.
That just about does it for me.

But who the hell am I kidding?

Rob doesn't have to be doing anything...

He fucking kills me every time.

I keep asking myself how I got here.
Because I honestly don't understand.

Sure... on some levels I get it...
Rob is beautiful.
Rob plays Edward Cullen.
Edward Cullen owns me.
I love Robert Pattinson.

Yada Yada Yada...

If I try to go back to July 2008...
back to those lovely days of Twilight virginity...
I was just living my life...

Before I had ever heard of Edward and Bella.
And you know what?

I can't fucking GO back.

I don't remember what it was like
without Robert in my life.

I mean...
He's always there.
All day.
He's in my thoughts.
My dreams.
He's in my blood...
(yeah... cute vampire thingy... OK)

I don't remember what my life was like
before I picked up
Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse
at Sams club one day...

I don't recall how I went about living...
Without desire and wanton lust
for Edward Cullen.
I can't fucking imagine
my life WITHOUT
Robert Pattinson.

Pathetic much?
Just a little (lot).

And you know what's even worse?
I have absolutely no control over any of it.
I kid myself into believing I can step away
any time I feel like it...
That I don't need Robert and/or Edward...
But like a true addict...
It's all lies.

I know it.
You know it.
We all fucking know it.

So where in the living hell do I go from here?
(and it is a kind of living hell... yes?)

I really don't know.
It's been 15 months.
15 months of my life...
That I have loved Robert Pattinson.
And its not going away.
If anything...
I love him more than ever.

15 months adoring

a 23 year old actor?

What. The. Fuck. Is. Wrong. With. Me?

I don't know.
Maybe I'm too far gone to do anything about it.
Maybe I will feel this way
about Robert...
For the rest of my life.

I actually can't imagine
not loving him.

I'm so gone.
Too far gone.

There's no coming back from this.

Robert Pattinson owns me.

Kristen looking softly beautiful.
Love her.
So much.

You know what I don't love?
People who pretend to like Kristen.
They act like they are into her...
but get their nasty digs in whenever
is in the picture.

You know what?
Fucking own it, OK?
You don't have to like Kristen...
Just quit pretending.
Stop lying.
You aren't fooling anyone.

I've seen the posts...
The sly tweets...

I've seen the intentional jabs...
The constant digs.

Own it...
or shut the fuck up.

I would rather someone come out and hate her
then twist the knife in her back
every chance they get.

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