sâmbătă, 10 octombrie 2009

Poem New moon

Without You

Its dark out here.
Like someone just shut off the lights and my eyes haven’t adjusted yet
I’m blind
I’m lost in the dark
Lost without you
Can’t see whats in front of me
Can’t see what the future holds for me
There’s no hope to ever be brought back into the light again
Not while your gone.
So what’s the point
Why should I move
Why should I get up from this forest floor
I’d rather let the rain fall and soak deep into my bones than leave this spot
I tried to follow you
Stupid I know
With your speed you were a miles away as soon as your lips left my forehead
But I just couldn’t stop
I’d rather be lost in this forest forever than go back to a life without you.
I can’t.
Your words flow through the air above me
Like a harsh winter wind whispering through the leaves
As if I’d never existed
A promise broken as soon as it left your frozen lips
Why am I here then
Why am I on this forest floor
Why does it feel like I’m resting on the bottom of the ocean as water pours into my lungs
Its because you do exist
Because we existed
But now you’ve disappeared
Leaving only empty promises.
I hear their voices
See their flashlights
But I don’t want to be found
Pick me up, take me home, surround me with people
But I’d still feel as if I was in this forest
For something that can never be found
Something that’s never existed before
Something that can never be duplicated
So let me be
Let me lay here forever
Maybe over time ill become part of forest
Just some object that the trees will grow around
Let me lay
As the waves of pain wash over me
I take my last breath filled with your sweet scent that still lingers on my skin
And this lonely lamb will sink into the darkness
Forever lost without her lion.

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